Whilst Reps. Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi call names, their union thugs (Pelosi might describe this as a "grassroots movement") stomp and kick normal people.
Upset at America's angry reaction to their attempts at a hostile takeover of the health care industry, Mr. Hoyer and Mrs. Pelosi today co-authored
an op-ed piece arguing: "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American." They ought to remember that town-hall meetings take place so a Congressman can listen to his constituents, not the other way around. And they ought to recognize that enthusiastic rejection of the left's lies is not the same thing "drowning out the facts."
Pelosi, Hoyer,
et al swear up and down that "if you like your current plan, you can keep it." They don't mention the adjective "qualified" that appears
more than 100 times (usually in front of the words "plan," or "provider") in the House's bill. When they say you can keep your plan if you like it, they mean you can keep your plan if
they like it.
Lots of folks have read that, among other things, in the House bill.
Most Americans are opposed to such nonsense, so they're saying so.
In response, congressmen are
shouting at their constituents. And the senior leadership -- Pelosi and Hoyer -- have formed a brand new, two-person House Un-American Activities Committee, which has ruled all opponents are in violation.
As of this writing, the merry pair has yet to comment on the violent physical attack against
Kenneth Gladney by uniformed members of the Service Employees International Union. The attack sent him (at least temporarily) into a wheelchair.
It makes one wonder if either new-HUAC member would recognize un-American activity if it showed up in a SEIU T-shirt, slammed them to the ground and started pounding. Drowning out opposing views is un-American? How about grabbing the opponent and flinging him to the pavement?