Thursday, April 9, 2009

They think Americans are idiots

This story's roots are fairly un-newsworthy, but the Obama Administration's handling of it demonstrates something quite significant.

If acting unduly respectful to a foreign monarch is the biggest statecraft blunder Barack Obama ever makes, we won't have much to complain about. However, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs claims the president did not bow to the king of Saudi Arabia. Instead, Gibbs says, Obama merely bent down to shake hands because Obama is taller than the king. Anybody who watched the event can see otherwise.

Not only did Obama bow, he did so quite obviously.

This indicates one of two things, and they're both far more important than the president's overzealous manners. One possibility is the Obama Administration thinks it's OK to look us in the eye and lie. The other is they think we're all pretty stupid.


Jordan Gray said...

I agree the story shouldn't be newsworthy by itself. He bowed, so what? Shitty they lied to us. Point taken. But in case you weren't looking around you, we ARE all pretty stupid. I can come up with way more evidence to support our idiocy than I can our intelligence.

Josh McMahan said...

I saw this story on the Wichita morning news the other day to which the one news guy (who is an idiot) said, "Personally, I don't think the president of this country should bow to ANYONE. That's just how I feel." And that kind of thinking is probably why everyone hates us. What a dumbass.

Josh McMahan said...

And yes, the situation we are in right now is a product of American idiocy.