Sunday, June 21, 2009

Note to Barbie: It's a job, not a title

Barbara Boxer, who is an elected representative of Californians in the U.S. Senate, surely embarrassed herself this week when she dressed down Army Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh for calling her "ma'am."

Obviously, little miss Barbie doesn't understand protocol: "Ma'am" is a title of respect. But she showed a far more important and more unflattering side of herself. She thinks her office is a "title," instead of an office of service.

The last time Americans had a government that insisted so fiercely on titles was in the 1770s — and we shot at them until they left. When an elected official starts feeling this self-important, they need to get out of the business.


Josh McMahan said...


Jordan Gray said...

Yikes. This slag needs to be taken down a peg or two.