New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been caught in a farce.
The Associated Press reports that, despite that city's new anti-idling law, the mayor's government-owned SUV's are frequently operated in neutral for great periods of time. For every second, gasoline purchased by taxpayers is burned for no purpose; and this situation is instructive about the attitudes held by leaders in the global warming hysterics movement.
Bloomberg fancies himself a savior of the anti-global warming/the ice age is coming/climate destabilization is a tragedy/climate change is the greatest threat America has faced since World War II/whatever the left is calling it this week movement. And his own actions, the actions of his mayoral administration, contradict the notion that there is any threat whatsoever posed by carbon dioxide.
Oh, to live in a world where Mr. Bloomberg was an isolated anomaly.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has long insisted on greater energy use restrictions. He also has long driven a fleet of gas-guzzling Hummer SUV's.
Britain's Prince Charles and our own "prince" Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have, for quite some time, traipsed all over the globe demanding that people reduce their energy use and carbon emissions. This traipsing has been done, by each of them, in private jets.
Former Vice President Al Gore (who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his anti-global warming crusade) lives in a house that consumes more than 20 times as much electricity than the average American home.
Mr. Gore's spokesmen insist that he really is a believer, that he has no carbon footprint (because he "purchases carbon credits"). But if he were as convinced as he lets on that carbon dioxide emissions are ruining the world, he would continue to purchase those credits, and he would stop burning so much electricity.
His actions speak a lot louder than all the words ever uttered. Even Al Gore doesn't believe in the threat of global warming. And neither do Messrs. Kennedy, Schwarzenneger, Bloomberg, and Charles.
One of two things is occurring. Either these environmental advocates know that human activity and carbon emissions are not destroying the earth, or they think they ought to get one set of rules, and the rest of the world should get another.
Honesty on Christmas Day
Like anything in life, it’s hard to pinpoint when things go awry. But as of
the very day itself, this 2024 Christmas season has NOT felt very
Christmas-y. ...
2 months ago
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