Friday, September 3, 2010

A conversation with Haley Barbour

As chairman of the Republican Governor's Association, Haley Barbour is leading the fight to take this country back from the leftists. He's been doing that for years; he was chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1994 when Republicans won majorities in Congress for the first time in generations.

After Hurricane Katrina (which actually hit Mississippi harder than it hit Louisiana), he was one of the few elected officials in the country whose approval ratings did not plummet. In June of 2009 — when Mr. Barbour became chair of the RGA — I predicted the leftist establishment would begin a systematic effort to destroy him because he represents best hope for electing a conservative president. At the time, I really didn't think he had any interest in running. But today I do — and I'm not alone. (Today I make only this prediction: If he decides to run, I think he will win.) Here, one of the best governors in the country talks with Peter Robinson of The Hoover Institution.

Part 1
'The long-term view'

Part 2
'Governor's races count'

Part 3
The Lunatic Fringe

Part 4

'When I say cut spending, I mean cut spending'

Part 5

'I was a lobbyist and a pretty damn good one'

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